Directed by Randeep Ja, the six-episode series unfolds a murder investigation in the Punjab countryside. With a focus on realism, the series demanded subtle yet seamless VFX integration to enhance, not overpower, the storytelling.
Directed by Randeep Ja, the six-episode series unfolds a murder investigation in the Punjab countryside. With a focus on realism, the series demanded subtle yet seamless VFX integration to enhance, not overpower, the storytelling.
Project: | Kohrra |
Client: | Netflix |
Service: | VFX, Color |
We collaborated closely with the directorial team to provide VFX and color services for Netflix's gripping series, Kohrra. The show's intricate blend of suspense, drama, and thriller elements follows two police officers tackling the perplexing case of a groom found dead just before his wedding.
Capturing the essence of fog in the Punjab landscape proved pivotal to the series' atmosphere, considering the show's title translates to ‘fog'. However, filming during the summer lacked natural fog. We experimented with on-set solutions, like smoke machines, but sought a more life-like approach. Given a three-month turnaround, we employed Deep Compositing, creating layers of varying fog depths that seamlessly merged.
Drawing inspiration from films like Planet of the Apes, a ‘volume box' encompassing the camera's range was devised. By employing Deep Compositing, multiple fog layers were integrated using reference points from existing scenes, allowing swift adjustments while preserving artistic control.
For the project, we assumed both VFX and color grading responsibilities, ensuring synergy between the two teams. This harmonization maintained the integrity of the fog effects while retaining the actors' natural skin tones. Baselight was employed for color grading, enabling quick iterations to achieve a balance between the desired cool and warm tones.
The coordination between VFX and color departments was critical for maintaining viewer engagement and suspension of disbelief. The on-site collaboration facilitated a delicate balance between evoking nighttime atmosphere and optimizing visibility on various devices. The collaboration was spearheaded by VFX Supervisor Gouri Shankar and Senior Colorist Tushar Desai.
"I was fortunate enough to be physically present in the FutureWorks studio through all the color grading sessions which were spread out over a few months. I usually try to do as much ‘in-camera' when it comes to the look and feel of a project, and then bring it to the DI table to finalize the results, without feeling over graded. Working together with the FutureWorks team, we were able to iterate together and find the right balance to bring the entire series together into a visually coherent whole.
"Saurabh Monga, Cinematographer
We also handled a pivotal car collision scene. Weather challenges during filming necessitated extensive VFX involvement. Meticulous plate alignment and composited passes ensured a realistic, impactful outcome without compromising safety.
The project's success hinged on departmental synergy, innovative workflows, and strong collaboration. Throughout more than 900 shots across six episodes, we partnered closely with director Randeep Jha and cinematographer Saurabh Monga to bring their vision to life.
"We were excited to work once again with Netflix and deliver both VFX and color grading for such an interesting project. We are always experimenting with new workflows and solutions, so the brief for Kohrra was a great opportunity to flex our muscles in that regard as well, acting as a creative partner to tell the story right.
"Gaurav Gupta, CEO
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